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Debugging JavaScript Imports, A Case Study of Unexpected Issues

Recently, I was working on a project that was using vanilla JS. I needed to relocate some of the code I wrote from a raw script tag to a .js file. The code fully worked before I moved it. While I was moving the JS code, I was also relocating PHP and HTML elements. However, midway through this move, disaster struck, and I was left troubleshooting why things stopped working. With a bit of luck, I determined that this was caused by the import statement I used in the new JS file. That’s where things got a little weird.

Working import example

<script type="module">
  import { myCustomFunction } from 'some/file/path.js';

Failed import example

import {  myCustomFunction } from 'some/file/path';

The reason why this one was a bit strange wasn’t the fact that import didn’t work but rather the characteristics caused by the imports not working.

  • No errors were thrown in the console
  • No missing files were detected
  • Other functions within the file were not being executed
  • Console logs after the import didn’t work either
  • The project-specific context of the code’s location made troubleshooting a little bit more difficult
  • New PHP errors were being thrown as a result of the JS not working

With all of these characteristics in mind, I went through the normal checks of whether I wrote the import and exports properly, and with no luck. In this case, the error was caused by the way the JS file was enqueued. Next, I wanted to understand more deeply: why did it work before, and why doesn’t it work now? Make it make sense.

Here’s what I realized after a bit of documentation reading. A common pattern for loading JS into a PHP/HTML involves using a script tag with src or just inlined JS. Most of the time, we don’t declare type="module". If I had to guess, it’s because it’s not a well-known attribute, it’s newer and has less browser support, and in most cases, you might not even need it. On projects where your code is compiled, there’s a good chance your imports are being handled automatically by the compiler.

See a live code example on code sandbox

<script src="./script.js"></script>
<script type="module" src="./script.js"></script>

As a result, it caused me to reflect on this topic and take a moment to understand why I didn’t catch this faster. Here are a few reasons I think this could easily trip up people, especially if you’re in an area where you didn’t write the code or load the JS file.

  • Working mostly on projects that are compiled, imports get handled during the compilation step and this might not be your first train of thought during troubleshooting.
  • The lack of error logging made it hard to determine the root issue. If you don’t catch it immediately, you might go too far before you realize it’s broken.
Micheal England

Article by Micheal England.

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